Broadband Internet without a landline – Quick guide

Getting Broadband internet without a landline is actually really simple in the UK. We have put this quick guide together to help you through.

To get Broadband internet without a landline we are going to take advantage of 4G and 5G technology. This is the same connection your smart phone uses. Follow the quick step guide below and we will have you up and running with broadband speed internet in no time.

As always – If you want to skip these steps you can do so by purchasing one of our own plug and play kits. We have done the hard work for you. just plug it in and you are ready to go. Find these in our store here. If you would like to go it alone – no problem just keep reading.

Step1: Decide on a service provider

As with your mobile phone you can choose your network. These include Vodafone, O2, EE, and Three

Ideally for Broadband internet without a landline we want as much data as possible if not unlimited data for the least amount of money possible.

Our recommendation would be GiffGaff. they offer contract free deals with comparable amounts of data foe you money as most contract deals. Also you as there’s no contract you can change network whenever you feel like it.

You can order a free GiffGaff sim using the link below. or click here

Or if you would prefer an EE Contract deal try this link for the best deals

For more more in depth look at picking the correct network provider try our detailed guide here

Step 2: Pick a Router

Broadband internet without a landline Router
Broadband internet without a landline Router

4G Routers

For broadband internet without a landline you will need to pair your new sim with either a 4G or 5G router. at this point in time we would suggest 4G as the 5G coverage in the UK isn’t quite where it needs to be yet.

To keep this brief we would recommend a Cat4+ router with removable antennas. This will allow us to install an external antenna to boost signal if required. Stronger signal means faster download speeds and a more reliable connection.

You can buy your router from any of the major online retailers. We have picked an ideal solution from Amazon below. Look fore a cat4 or above preferably from one of the major brands.

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5G routers

If you choose to go down the 5G route will will find there a far more limited choice than that of 5G. Not only this, 5G routers tend to me far more expensive that of 4G at this point in time. However the the benefits are amazing. you can expect download speeds up to 10 times faster than that of 4G. this makes streaming 8K movies a walk in the park. If you have 5G in your area the extra investment is definitely worth it. We have selected our favourite 5G router for you below.

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If you would like to learn more about 4G and 5G router selection, try our detailed guide by clicking the button below

Step 3: Pick an external antenna

Broadband internet without a landline Antenna
Broadband internet without a landline Antenna

External antennas are great for those of us struggling with poor signal . If you pick carefully you can boost your signal strength significantly. As signal strength is directly related to download and upload speeds as well as reliability, installing an externla antenna can be a game changer.

For those who have strong signal you can skip this step if you choose, However external antennas will also boost signal, hence speed in even strong signal areas. If you want the best speeds possible, you need an antenna

We have picked out our two favourite 4G & 5G antennas below

Antenna for a static locations

The Poynting 4G & 5G ready antenna is our tried and tested favourite. It has a wide frequency band which means it can pick up signal from all UK suppliers and offers great levels of signal gain. This antenna works best post mounted or

Antenna for none static locations

If you are looking for an antenna that will work just as well on the move as it does when standing still then the best solution is a Puck roof mounted antenna. By far our favourite and the most effective of these is the Poynting MiMo. it offers signal gains comparable to static directional antennas and is very easy to install.

Your are now ready to go. for information on installing you antenna click our help guide below

For More information on 4G and 5G router take a look at our guide below