Which 5G Router should you buy

A guide to 5G routers

5G router example
5G router example

What is 5G?

5G is the latest generation of mobile network technology, and it’s faster and more reliable than the previous 4G. 5G routers enable quicker downloads, smoother streaming, and better connectivity for your off grid WIFI. We aim to provide you with everything you need to select the best 5G WIFI router for your needs.

Faster Internet: With a 5G WIFI router, you’ll likely experience faster internet speeds. This means you can download movies or games more quickly, and you can stream videos without annoying pauses.

More Devices: 5G routers can handle many devices at once. So, if you have a family with multiple phones, tablets, and laptops, a 5G router can keep everything connected without slowing down.

How a 5G router works

Just like your phone has a SIM card to connect to your cellular network, a 5G router has a slot for a SIM card. When you put the SIM card into the router and turn it on, the router talks to the cellular towers in your area using the 5G technology. These towers are like big antennas that send and receive signals.

The cellular tower sends a strong 5G signal to your router. The router takes this signal and turns it into a WiFi signal that your phones, laptops, tablets, and other devices can understand. Where you put the router matters. For the best signal and coverage, it’s a good idea to put it in a central location in your home or office

Your router creates a WiFi network at your home or office. This WiFi network is what your devices connect to for internet access. You’ll see this network name (also known as SSID) when you search for WiFi connections on your devices. Once your devices connect to the WiFi network your router created, they can access the internet just like they would with a regular WiFi router. You can use your devices to browse the web, watch videos, play games, and more.

The SIM card you put into the router needs an active data plan. This data plan is provided by your cellular service provider, and it determines how much data you can use each month.

5G is great for being on the move. You can get fast internet in various places – from cities to countryside – as long as there’s 5G coverage

Getting 5G is as simple as getting a 5G router and a plan from a mobile service provider

Which off 5G Router is best?

First and foremost, we highly recommend conducting a 5G signal assessment before considering 5G internet for your home or off-grid use.

It’s important to understand that not all locations offer sufficient signal strength to ensure optimal 5G internet speeds. Additionally, the strength of your 5G signal can vary significantly depending on different service providers and locations. Having this information at hand ensures that you attain the highest speeds and reliability in your chosen location.

If your signal check indicates “strong outdoors & poor indoors,” it’s likely that you’ll need a compatible 5G antenna kit. If you’re facing a weak signal that’s labelled as “unsuitable for broadband,” don’t be disheartened – this issue might also be resolved with a suitable 5G antenna.

Even in areas with strong signals, incorporating an external 5G antenna kit will invariably enhance both your broadband speed and reliability. Think of it as the difference between an old hoop aerial sitting on your TV and connecting to a mast antenna installed outside your home. The distinction is clear, right? This analogy perfectly encapsulates the concept. However, it’s worth noting that opting for a 5G antenna kit does lead to increased setup costs.

If you’re situated in a region with a strong signal, this becomes a personal decision you’ll need to make. Should you require a comprehensive signal survey to identify the best network and signal strength, we’re pleased to offer this service to you. This survey encompasses a thorough examination of the main UK service providers at your chosen location. It covers aspects such as mast locations, speed, reliability, and recommendations for 5G hardware that align with the outcomes of the survey.

Picking the best product for you

TOP TIP: As 5G routers become more popular, we are seeing new models and upgrades entering the market, Not every 5G router is created equal. Although they all state 5G many will be capable of different speeds and offer varying levels of reliability. We would suggest sticking to the well known brands to prevent disappointment. You can expect to pay between £250 and £600. In the following sections, we will outline the key factors to consider when in the process of selecting a router.

Open to all network or unlocked

When you’re picking out a 5G router, it’s important to make sure it’s not tied to just one network. While these routers might seem like a good bargain initially, they come with the drawback of restricting you to a single network. This means if the network raises its prices or if the signal quality suddenly declines at your location, you’re left with limited options: either buy a new router or put up with the higher costs or weaker signal and slower speeds. Opting for unlocked routers or those compatible with multiple networks gives you the flexibility to easily switch the SIM card to one from your preferred network. To help you in your decision-making, here’s a compilation of our tested and proven 5G routers.

5G router types

Indoor 5G Routers

These routers are designed to be used inside your home or office. They provide strong 5G coverage within the building and are ideal for connecting devices like phones, laptops, and smart TVs.

5G router with sim slot
5G router with sim slot

Outdoor 5G Routers:

As the name suggests, these routers are meant for outdoor use. They’re useful when you need to provide 5G coverage in areas like your garden, backyard, or outdoor events.

external antenna
external antenna

Industrial Routers

industrial routers are specialized devices designed to provide reliable and robust wireless connectivity in industrial environments. These routers are built to withstand harsh conditions. these routers are ideal for use in vehicles, caravans, motorhomes etc..

Something we find great about industrial routers is that some can be used to boost WIFI signal – Such as free onsite WIFI and then only use the 5G data signal as a fall-back. This makes them ideal for caravans users, motorhomes, and truck users. We find Teltonika to be our go to brand for industrial 5G routers

5G industrial router
5G industrial router

Mobile 5G Routers (mobile hot spots)

Mobile 5G routers are like portable Wi-Fi hotspots. You can carry them around, and they create a Wi-Fi network using the 5G signal. Great for staying connected while on the move.

5G Mobile router
5G Mobile router

Mesh 5G Routers (for home or office use)

Mesh routers consist of multiple units that work together to cover a larger area with strong Wi-Fi signals. They’re excellent for bigger homes or spaces with potential Wi-Fi dead zones.

External Antenna-Compatible Routers

These routers have ports for connecting external antennas. Adding an external antenna can improve the router’s signal reception and coverage, especially in areas with weaker signals.

off grid antenna kit
off grid antenna kit

Provider-Specific Routers

Certain internet service providers provide 5G routers under their own brand. These routers are customized to seamlessly integrate with their specific networks and might include extra features. However, they are not compatible for use with other providers.

5G Router Brands

Tip – opt for well-known and reputable brand

Some well-known brands that make 5G WiFi routers include Huawei, Netgear, TP-Link, Asus, and more. You might want to look for routers from brands you recognize and trust.

The prices of 5G WiFi routers can vary depending on their features and brand. On one hand, some routers come at a more affordable price, while on the other hand, those with advanced features might have a higher price tag. In terms of cost, anticipate a price range of £250 to £500, depending on your choice of features and brand.

External Antennas

Just like your phone, which sometimes gets a stronger signal when you’re closer to a window, 5G external antennas can significantly enhance your router’s signal capture. By having a stronger signal, your 5G router can operate optimally. Consequently, you can enjoy faster download and upload speeds, a particularly advantageous aspect for activities like streaming, video calls, and online gaming. In situations where the 5G signal is weaker in your area, incorporating an external antenna can prove to be exceptionally valuable in enhancing your connection.

Installation: These antennas can be placed outside your home or office where the signal is stronger. You can mount the antenna direct to a wall or pole. some routers come with temporary mounting such as suction cups. these are great when you are unable to permanently fix the antenna. The goal is to clear as many of the obstacles in the direct line of sight of the 5G antenna as possible. This usually means the higher the better.

Connecting to Your 5G Router: The antenna connects to your router through a cable. Very much like a TV antenna cable although most antennas will likely come with 2 cables (duel pole increases speed and reliability). The cable is 50ohm not to be confused with TV co-ax. If you use TV co-ax you will not receive a signal.

5G router LAN
5G router LAN

Compatibility: Make sure the antenna you choose is compatible with your router you’re using. Specifically check the router and antenna connection types. The main types being SMA and TS9. If you get this wrong you can purchase adaptors which convert between each. Note: Some routers do not have external antenna ports at all and are therefore not compatible with 5G external antennas.

External antenna selection

There are two main types of 5G antenna. these are Omni-directional and directional.

5G Omni-Directional Antennas:
Think of 5G omni-directional antennas as sending and receiving signals in all directions, like a balloon that puffs up in all directions. Imagine you’re in the centre of a circle, and the signal goes out in all directions like spokes of a wheel.

5G Directional Antennas :
5G directional antennas are like a flashlight that shines light in one specific direction. These antennas focus their signal in a particular direction, which makes them great for reaching distant places or specific points. It’s like aiming the flashlight beam at something you want to see.

5G omni directional antenna vs 5G Directional antenna
A 5G omni directional antenna is great when you just need to move your antenna outside. Maybe you have poor indoor signal or you suffer from internal interference. Omni directional antennas are also great when you are on the move. Let’s say you’re in a vehicle and constantly changing location but still want the best possible connection. An omni directional antenna is your best bet in this scenario.
A 5G directional antenna offers the greatest boost in signal but will require pointing in that direction. Just like a TV antenna, you need to point it at the nearest applicable mast.

Other features to consider

Some great additional features that are common on 4G routers these days and worth looking out for include, Ethernet ports, gigabit Ethernet ports, VoLP and 4x Mimo.

Ethernet ports allow you to connect a ethernet cable directly from your router to a device. The device could be your smart tv for example. Using the ethernet cable rather than the WiFi connection will increase speeds and reliability of connection to the device.

VOP allows you to plug a VOP enabled phone into your router. Think of this like plugging your old landline phone into the wall socket. It allows you to have a static phone at your location.

That’s it for router selection. If you also want to or need to purchase an Antenna kit then move to the next step (STEP4: Antenna selection) or skip to (Step5: Setup)

For more guidance on off Grid WIFI SEE BELOW

OR If You don’t require an Antenna you can skip to Router Setup

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